Taunton Region Ride Report March 2014

The ride this month was organised by Nigel & Mercedes Honey and saw the group head down to North Devon to ride on some less familiar territory. Six tandems and three solos met at Barnstaple Railway Station cafe for pre-ride beverages of which the highlight was Peter’s enormous breakfast the “Station Masters Special” which looked adequate enough to feed the whole group.

Leaving the station cafe we initially headed west along the very popular Tarka Trail towards Instow before turning south passing through Bideford and crossing over the river Torridge numerous times before eventually reaching at the Puffing Billy. From here we turned off the trail for a few miles heading back north on the surprisingly pleasant A386 to reach the lunch stop at the Cyder Presse in Weare Giffard. Lunch was excellent with some of the group choosing to eat outside and make the most of warm spring sunshine. The return route was through Yelland and Fremington on a pleasent mixture of cycle path and quiet roads with one final cake stop at Fremington Quay.